
Divergent is a trilogy of dystopia novels. People say it’s quite similar to The Hunger Games but I think it’s not as good. The first novel ” Divergent” is the best one in my opinion. I read it in two days.The main character Tris is more superficial than Katniss and although the story is quite good it still doesn’t really reach that shock that I felt when I read THG. But it was really entertaining and do recommend it. The second and the third however were very heavy and while I took two days to read “Divergent” I took several weeks for “Insurgent” (the second part) and a couple of months for “Allegiant”( the third part.) Speaking about Allegiant I think that kind of ending was unnecessary but very well written. However the explanation of how the system of factions was created and why destroys all the originality of the story and was very disappointing.

Really good bookcovers

Really good bookcovers

The Lord of The Rings.

The Lord of The Rings is possibly the most known fantasy novel (well trilogy) of all the world. And it´s on my list of my favorite books. Set in an imaginary land called the Middle Earth, it tells the story of Frodo Baggins a hobbit that has to cross the Middle Land to destroy a magic ring. He fights with elves (don’t be confused with fairies they are NOT the same thing,) humans, dwarfs, magicians… Three other hobbits go with him, shearing his adventures. Each book is divided in two parts.
I really liked them, but in some parts they may be a bit too heavy. This trilogy introduced me to fantasy books. Sam (one of the hobbits) in particular was my favorite character, because although they are going through whatever dangerous situations, he always has funny comments that may seem a bit out-of-place at the moment, you laugh with them. The trilogy also has this epic battle scenes in which you will find yourself holding your breath.

1st post !

So this is my first post! Hope you enjoy my blog. If you are a good observer you should now by now that this is a blog about a bokshelf with books. Not a bookshelf with boxes, not a bookshelf with clothes, not a bookshelf with cooking pots. Sorry to disappoint you if you were looking for bookshelves with cooking pots.
Anyway hope you like it!!

A bookshelf with books. And plants.

A bookshelf with books. And plants.